i headed out of the newsroom today to go photograph a high school hockey game. i was thinking: "the nice warm days of soccer and american football are gone. winter's getting near," and as i opened the door i saw a big and thick curtain made of millions of white dots in front of me. it was freakin' snowing! and i really don't like snow. but hey, i'm in new england, i'm lucky i'm not swimming in several feet deep snow at this point in the year.
anyway, during one of the breaks i bought a hot coffee and stepped outside to warm up a bit (yes it was warmer outside than it was inside). a few feet away from me two little guys were trying to catch snowflakes in their mouths. i stood there looking at them for a few seconds and then i think i heard this voice in my head: "hey, genius, when are you gona start taking some pictures here?" i took a few quick frames before they started noticing me. and now i can't decide which one is the better one out of these three.
the kids names are Jorgen (wearing the grey hoodie) and Keenan Leuthauser, they're both 7, and they are twins.

These images are © 2009 Valley News and may not be reprinted or used without permission.