All photographs published here are copyright Catalin Abagiu, Mediafax Foto, The Northwest Herald or Valley News and may not be reused without permission.
it's been a while since i've posted anything. i almost feel like i need to wipe the dust of this blog. max bittle was kind enough to lend me his fujifilm x100 camera to try it out. this evening, before i headed out the door for a walk, i took it with me. so far, i really like that little camera.
the squash and the grapes are from our neighbors - nope, didn't steal them, they were given to us - the pear is from the tree in our front yard and the walnuts from one of the trees that line the roads just outside my hometown. fall is so cool around these parts.
i found these two frames while going through some of my old film rolls. they are among my first attempts at photography and show my dad doing two of his favorite things: gardening and fishing. he passed away in '07 and while i wish i took more photos of him, i'm really glad i have these two.
seemingly never ending rains have harassed bucharest for the past two weeks. for the most part the rains were annoying in their persistence and didn't cause much more than exasperation, but on friday evening the water curtain came down heavier than usual inundating some parts of the city. caught far from home i had to walk through almost knee high water on what hours earlier were perfectly dry sidewalks. at the piata romana subway stop i witnessed this unusual underground waterfall that you see pictured bellow. apparently the subway system is not waterproof...
i met this guy last month while on assignment. i was covering the romanian eurovision song contest and he's one of the artists that took part in the competition. i really wonder how the world looks like when you look at it through those crazy contact lenses.
i've just scanned a film and found this frame that i had completely forgotten about. i took it a few weeks ago while taking a stroll in a park near where i live.